How Hiding Hurts

A Sexual Libra
8 min readMay 9, 2022

Hiding distorts the truth

In June 2021, Sarah Stroh wrote an excellent article titled, How Polyamory Can Make Your Interactions with Just About Anyone More Organic and I ‘felt that’.

In strict monogamy, you have to constantly think about the implications of smiling brightly at an attractive stranger or a new friend. You can’t just live your life meeting people and enjoying their company in whatever way makes sense.

You have to hide things that don’t fit in with the idea that if you love someone you should want only them.

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I deeply loathe hiding. In fact, it isn’t hyperbole for me to say, I hate it.

I’ve written before about how I spent my adult life controlling not just my sexuality but this aspect of me that picks up on energy exchanges with others. All the time, I have moments with people that mirror the one she describes in the post. I freed myself from monogamy so that I could have them without guilt.

I never had to hide my attraction to others from my husband. Long before we were open, we both understood that it is human nature to feel attraction to people who aren’t your spouse — there’s a reason you promise to ‘forsake all others’. While following our God, we viewed it as something we needed to…



A Sexual Libra

I’m happily, nonmonogamous/polyamorous. I’m, here, writing about my sexual journey through the Zodiac and open lifestyle. Thank you for reading and enjoy!