Human Design: The Channel I Resist, and Have to Continue Resisting

A Sexual Libra
7 min readAug 8, 2023

Don’t worry, Dear Readers, I’m not going to endlessly write about Human Design. However, it has been inspiring to me of late and it’s lent me a lot of clarity that has application in my nonmonogamy/polyamory.

In my last post, I wrote about the channel of mine that the boyfriend resists and has to or it indirectly crushes an application of listening to his authority. In this post I’m going to talk about the channel of his that I resist and have to because, if I don’t, it directly crushes my ability to listen to my authority and implement my strategy.

The boyfriend has the channel of Preservation from his Spleen to his authority, the Sacrum (and vice versa, I’m sure, as that’s the line of open communication between the two for him). The Sacrum is his authority, and his authority does hear from his Spleen.

‘His’ is in bold and italicized because what he hears from those centers and that channel are for him, not for me.

As a projector, I have an undefined Sacrum with one gate — the Gate of Caring — an innate understanding that, if care is present, life can be enjoyed better. He has that gate, and the connecting Gate of Nourishment to form the Channel of Preservation and you don’t have to be around him long to understand that is a dominate personality trait. He…



A Sexual Libra

I’m happily, nonmonogamous/polyamorous. I’m, here, writing about my sexual journey through the Zodiac and open lifestyle. Thank you for reading and enjoy!