A Sexual LibraBeing a Unicorn: Helping My Newbie Couples Prepare for the ExperienceMy own experience helps inform my guidanceJan 10, 20222Jan 10, 20222
A Sexual LibraThe Unicorn Experience: The Healthiest Messy CoupleRecently my date with a couple, I was really looking forward to meeting, canceled, and I respect them a lot for it.Jan 6, 20222Jan 6, 20222
A Sexual LibraThe Unicorn Experience: The F/M Cancer and Libra Couple — Part 1As mentioned before, I’ve had fmf threesomes aplenty and have nothing in particular that I sexually want or need to experience through…Dec 27, 20211Dec 27, 20211
InMonogamishbyA Sexual LibraBeing a Unicorn: Strategy for SuccessWalls come down when there is no threatNov 9, 20211Nov 9, 20211
A Sexual LibraUpcoming Sexual Exploration Series #2: Being a UnicornThe best little unicorn in MaineNov 8, 20211Nov 8, 20211