My Daughter, The Artist

A Sexual Libra
4 min readMay 5, 2022

I wanted to do a post promoting my daughter’s art.

First, because Emerald is talented and I’m proud. Second, because she takes art requests for a reasonable fee (usually, no more than $20 a piece) and I want to help her succeed in doing what she loves most in the world.

To date, Emerald regularly gifts her art. Earning wise, she’s done couple’s sketches for friends, she’s created character designs for people in her online art communities, the Libra commissioned some illustrations for a children’s story he wrote for a friend, and one of my mommy friends commissioned a couple of pieces, asking my daughter to create cartoon representations of her toddler in various whimsical scenes.

That, and I commissioned her art for a number of posts here on this blog: the Zodiac post fractals, the Unicorn illustration, and the recent anniversary post pic of the boyfriend and I as “Goat and Fox”.

Emerald is almost 19 and was homeschooled from second grade on. My homeschooling philosophy is to teach the things my children need to know and give lots of space for them to explore the things they want to know. She discovered a love of drawing and we supported and facilitated her desires.

Early on, sketch books and good pencils were regular purchases. Later, she moved to her preferred medium, digital. She has spent countless hours researching techniques and has committedly applied what she’s learned over several years of self-guided practice.



A Sexual Libra

I’m happily, nonmonogamous/polyamorous. I’m, here, writing about my sexual journey through the Zodiac and open lifestyle. Thank you for reading and enjoy!