September Writing Challenge — Day 14: I See You
I’m challenging myself to a daily writing prompt through September. Instead of finding a pre-prepared list, this year, I’m going with a Writing Prompt Generator. The prompt for the day will be added to the story in quote format.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see it until now.”
Taking a break from sitting in my emotions through fictionalized characters — sometimes, I wish this prompt for the day was more my experience. Sometimes, I wish I could claim the victimhood of, “Well, shit. I didn’t see that coming.”
I see you.
I see, very easily and very quickly, what people are doing and why, I see who they are. And, right now, I’m in a place of needing to put distance between myself and other people’s maneuvering through the world. Because I’m worn down by being caught up in other people’s self-centered manipulations for their own advancement while having no regard for its impact on me.
“You’ll know a Libra is broken when they don’t want to be around anyone.”
I’m broken right now.
When I’m whole, I can maintain a sort of safe distance from and rational view of the fact that I see what’s behind the way others are moving. I can move myself to healthy and useful positions to elicit a better…