September Writing Challenge — Day 17: “Because I Like It”, Said The Butterfly

A Sexual Libra
7 min readSep 17, 2022

“Well maybe that’s because I like it, ever thought about that?”

Over the past few years I’ve discovered why I like to go dancing: It’s a release for me. When life piles up, I take to a dance floor and work that shit out through physical movement. But it’s not just the physical exertion.

I’ve also discovered that, to get the full benefit I need, I have to go out on my own. If I go with someone, I’m going to be tethered to caring about their experience with me. And, constantly doing that work for others is usually why I need to go in the first place.

I like dancing. Going dancing is something I do for me.

If I go with someone else I’m going to be ‘on’. I’m going to be sensitive to their experience and I’m going to spend the evening moving myself in ways that ensure it’s a good one in whatever ways I can. When I go by myself, I get to be ‘off’. I get to just be me — I get to care about only my experience.

Last night, I went dancing and it was magical.

I always meet people and, being in a situation where I can move for myself, I get to just be in the moment and experience the wonder of random connection. There couldn’t have been more than about 15…



A Sexual Libra

I’m happily, nonmonogamous/polyamorous. I’m, here, writing about my sexual journey through the Zodiac and open lifestyle. Thank you for reading and enjoy!