“The Best of Both Worlds”

A Sexual Libra
3 min readNov 19, 2021

Addressing a Common Criticism of Polyamory

The partner’s friend once lobbed this at him after hearing that I’m nonmonogmous and married to another man. But, he’s not the first person to have thought or said it.

‘The best of both worlds’ … snort.

If anyone, who thought this, could follow me (or any other polyamorous people) through a regular week of being someone’s wife, girlfriend, homeschooling mom of three with a job, an active social life, and a, now, monetized blog to keep up on, they’d quickly acknowledge that if I do have the best of both worlds it’s because I’m fucking working my ass off for it.

In a regular week:

I clean a bar Monday - Thursday with my teen daughter.

During the day, I engage all three of my children in matters of education and personal development and I work on keeping up with my writing.

Monday nights I’m home while my husband is out with the youngest at his youth group.

Tuesday nights I’m either home, on a date with my husband, or out on social engagements.

Wednesday nights the partner and I take my daughter to a youth group in a neighboring community and we visit our friends, the Virgo and Libra, while we wait. I often go home…



A Sexual Libra

I’m happily, nonmonogamous/polyamorous. I’m, here, writing about my sexual journey through the Zodiac and open lifestyle. Thank you for reading and enjoy!