The Ones Yelling the Loudest are Usually the Ones Who Most Need to Listen to What They’re Advocating

A Sexual Libra
10 min readJan 12, 2023

I’ve vacillated about writing this observation as it’s rather political in nature, but it has relevance to what I typically write about here and it’s what’s on my mind today so, here goes nuthin’.

As a young adult, I was a Democrat. Through my adult, Christian years, I was a Republican. Then 911 happened. In my circles, I found myself being the only conscientious voice of objection to us invading Iraq on the premise that there may be ‘weapons of mass destruction’. Looking back that marked my turn toward libertarianism. However, it wasn’t until Common Core started reaching my conscious awareness in my early homeschooling days, that I began my exodus from the red and blue in earnest.

After doing an extensive deep dive into understanding where this educational shift was coming from, I unearthed a rather profound understanding of an agenda for an almost George Orwell’s 1984 level ‘utopian’ view of uniformity and, at its roots, global communism. One that had been and still is being built by both the Democrats and Republicans.

My eyes were open, and I stepped out of participating in the ridiculous division of hate that exists between the two political parties at the common people level. I don’t participate in voting or the…



A Sexual Libra

I’m happily, nonmonogamous/polyamorous. I’m, here, writing about my sexual journey through the Zodiac and open lifestyle. Thank you for reading and enjoy!