When It’s Not a Matter of Actual Offense Rather, Ideological Inconsistency

A Sexual Libra
4 min readJan 29, 2023

I was once told a personal recounting of a time when the storyteller said ‘gypped’ and was told he shouldn’t say that because it was insensitive and could be offensive to gypsies.

Except they were nowhere near the company of gypsies.
So, who were they potentially in danger of offending?
Each other’s ideological sensibilities.

It wasn’t a reprimand for causing actual offense. It was a wrist slap for coloring outside the lines of political correctness with his choice of words.

Mind your Ps and Qs, Darling.

There was one actual red head who was offended that I’d used red-headed stepchild in the title of my post and then there was another offended comment by someone who didn’t identify if they were a red head or not. The comment was a reprimand for coloring outside the lines of political correctness.

Except that ideology isn’t my religion.

Yes, religion.

There’s no God in the religion of political correctness, but it has all the same resulting works and ramifications that are produced from organized religion.

It’s adherents, who correct your ‘incorrectness’, aren’t actually concerned with you…



A Sexual Libra

I’m happily, nonmonogamous/polyamorous. I’m, here, writing about my sexual journey through the Zodiac and open lifestyle. Thank you for reading and enjoy!